
How Long Does It Take to Install a Log Burner?

Log burners are surprisingly easy to install (at least for professionals). However, the extent of the project depends on numerous variables.

As such, it’s reasonable to ask, how long does it take to install a log burner? It can take between 1 and 4 days to install a log burner, although this time could be spread out over several visits.

Ultimately, installation time depends on what you already have installed, how much alteration work is needed, and whether your hearth needs repairing.

In this article, we’ll look at why it takes so long to install a log burner along with the process of actually fitting one in your home.

How Long Should It Take to Install a Log Burner?

Provided your chimney and hearth are in decent condition, the installation of a new log burner can take a single afternoon. We’ll detail the process below, but it can be as simple as installing the relevant flue liners and then the stove itself.

However, depending on the age and condition of your property, you might need some repair work before the stove is fitted. For example, you might need a twin-wall chimney system, which can take 2 or 3 days.

Then there’s full renovation work, which is necessary if the existing hearth has been blocked off or your original chimney has been removed.

While these can seem like quite extensive jobs, they can usually be done in less than a week. Your main delay will be waiting for things to dry, such as mortar, glue, paint, etc.

How Long Does It Take to Install a Log Burner?

Can You Fit a Log Burner Yourself?

Although you could install a wood burning stove yourself with a bit of DIY knowledge, it might be worth speaking to a professional first.

It can be a simple job if everything is in good shape and you’re simply fitting the stove itself. However, any sort of repair or installation work is best done by a professional seeing as you’re ultimately dealing with a space in your home that contains fire.

Is It Difficult to Install a Wood Burner?

Provided you’re simply installing a new wood burner – without any repair or alteration work – it’s a straightforward job. Below is a list of the components needed and some brief steps for taking care of the job.

To install a wood burner, you’ll need:

·  Stove pipe

·  Register plate

·  Chimney liner

·  Chimney cowl

·  Fire cement

·  Wood burner

installing chimney

How to Fit a Register Plate

Basically, you start by installing the chimney liner (also called the flue liner) inside the existing chimney. This is then fixed to the chimney cowl with fire cement before the register plate is fitted.

A register plate isn’t necessary – it just stops you from seeing all the bits inside the chimney.

Next, you fit the stove pipe to the end of the flue that attaches to the stove. Fill in any gaps around the register plate with fire cement and you should be ready to install the stove.

As we’ve mentioned elsewhere, wood burners are pretty heavy. You’ll probably want some help shifting it into place to avoid injuring yourself. Once everything is connected, though, you’ll be ready to light a fire!

Installing a Wood Burner in an Existing Fireplace

Installing a wood burner in an existing fireplace is arguably the most straightforward method. Traditional fireplaces are meant for open fires, so you might be limited in the size of wood burner you can actually fit, however.

Another thing you must consider is the wood burner’s distance from combustibles. In this case, it’s most likely the mantelpiece, as these are traditionally made from wood.

The general rule is that combustible materials must be 3x the diameter of the flue in distance from the log burner.

If you don’t think this will be possible, the easiest option is to replace the mantelpiece with one made on a non-combustible material, such as stone. While it might seem like a big job, it’s certainly easier than not having a wood burner!

But as long as your chimney is suitable for a wood burner (rather than a gas fire) and you’ve checked the above variables, all you need to do is install the burner and necessary extras.

Compared to re-opening a fireplace, it’s a very simple process.

How Long Does it Take To Fit a Log Burner?

Fitting a log burner doesn’t need to be a long or complex job and can take between 1 and 4 days to fit. But you must get your chimney checked first, as it’ll need to be up to standard before you start fitting a log burner.

If you’re unsure of what this process involves, contact a professional installer. They’ll have the knowledge to handle this job for you, ensuring your wood burner is as safe as possible.